Feb 8, 2012

Passages from The Courage to Stand Alone

The Courage to Stand Alone - U.G. Krishnamurti

Thought is a very powerful vibration, an extraordinary vibration. It is like an atom. You can't play with those things.

The Courage to Stand Alone - U.G. Krishnamurti

You are not going to reach your goal of completely controlling your thought. Thought has to function in its own way, in its disconnected, disjointed way. That is something which cannot be brought about through any effort of yours. It has to fall into its normal rhythm. Even if you want to make it fall into a normal rhythm, you are adding momentum to that. It has a life of its own which has, unfortunately, established a parallel life within the movement of life. These two are always in conflict. That will come to an end only when the body comes to an end.

The Courage to Stand Alone - U.G. Krishnamurti

You don't have to do a thing. You are not separate from that. That's all that I am emphasizing. You cannot separate yourself from the thought and say "these are my thoughts." That is the illusion you have, and you cannot be without any illusion. You always replace one illusion with another illusion. Always.

The Courage to Stand Alone - U.G. Krishnamurti

Why do you want to be free from illusions? That's the end of you. It's not that I am frightening you, I am just pointing out that it is not just a lighthearted game to play. That is you, you as you know yourself. When that knowledge you have of yourself is not there any more, the knowledge you have about the world also is not there any more. It can't be there any more.

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