Nov 7, 2012

Passages from Mind is a Myth

Mind is a Myth - U.G. Krishnamurti 

Q: Why has knowledge taken on such importance to us? 

U.G.: Because it gives you power. As I said at the very beginning, knowledge is power. I know, you don't know. I have religious experience and you don't have it. So it's all one-upmanship, showing off.

Mind is a Myth - U.G. Krishnamurti 

Q: Naturally. But if one wants to operate outside the whole corrupt field of power games, mustn't one be truly humble ...?

U.G.: No. Humility is an art that one practices. There is no such thing as humility. As long as you know, there is no humility there. The known and humility cannot coexist. In saying this I am not giving you a new definition of humility. I believe there is no such thing as humility at all. I'm just not in conflict with society. So, to create the opposite of the brutality in the world--humility--does not occur to me. Society cannot be anything other than what it is. So, since there is no demand to bring about a change in me, there is no corresponding demand to change society. I am not a reformer. I am not a revolutionary either. In fact, there is no such thing as revolution. All that is bogus. It is another commodity to be sold in the marketplace, to hoodwink gullible people.

Mind is a Myth - U.G. Krishnamurti 

Man cannot be anything other than what he is. Whatever he is, he will create a society that mirrors him.

Mind is a Myth - U.G. Krishnamurti

Love and hate are not opposite ends of the same spectrum; they are one and the same thing. They are much closer than kissing cousins. If you don't get what you expect out of the so-called love, what is there is hate. You may not like me to use the word "hate", but it is apathy and indifference to others. I believe love and hate are the same thing. I tell this to people wherever I go, all over the world.

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